Saturday 9 February 2013

♥ Nommy Donut Toy Design

I am so greatful for the local 24 hour Fedex print shop. It had been an immense life saver through out schoo, but even now it still is. I had a good 6 months to work on pieces for an upcoming portfolio but motivation did not come to me until 2 weeks before the deadline (=_=). It seems a lot of art students are that way, they would tell me they work better under pressure. There were plenty of times when I did start projects early, put a lot of sweat and work into only to hear from the professor complaining that I over thought, and tried too hard.

I modified a donut box (the ones with the handle) for the packaging, but at 3-4 AM I thought it was going great. However next morning when I finished printing and cutting, they flaps do not fit together ?!?!?!?!?!!! It made much more sense when I was half awake sadly. That error will be fixed. soon.

Anyways, I love making cute things, its more enjoyable and comes naturally, hopefully I will have time to craft more of these donuts into key chains to sell in the spring. I hope you like them.

packaging that was a fail. =(

Hello, how are you?

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